Our vision for the women of Southside Baptist Church is to encourage, enable, educate, and enlist women of all ages to seek the Kingdom of God first in all they do. Through prayer, fellowship, bible studies, and serving opportunities women may be found seeking God in their daily walk and providing a strong foundation for future women seeking God first.

Groovy Grans
Come join a special group of ladies who are a grandmother or have a grandmother’s heart. The meeting will include a meal, prayer time, a devotion and a special project. There is a $5.00 fee to help cover your meal and supplies for the project.
If interested, contact Dianne Westmoreland at tdwest73@gmail.com or 864-590-5168.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Caring Hearts
A group that performs various outreach functions and are focused primarily on our homebound members.
For more information contact Gloria Harmon at gharmon375@gmail.com.
Bible Studies
The next Bible Study will start September 3, 2024 @ 10:15am. It's an 8 week study that will take place every Tuesday. The study is "All Things New" by Kelly Mintor.
Lit 'n Latte' Book Club
This is a Christian fiction book club that is a part of the Southside Women's Ministry that meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at a local restaurant.
Interested in joining? There is no cost to join except for the cost of the book you purchase. Contact Karen Yarborough at (864) 680-7608.
Bridging the Gap
When I first joined Southside back in 1998, I was a young mom of 3 little girls ages 7, 5 and almost 2. The wife of the pastor at that time and I became quick friends because our girls were very close in age. We spent a great deal of time together and without meaning to, she became a mentor to me at a time when I needed someone to come along beside me and really teach me and listen to me and pray with me. I was so hungry spiritually for this type of leadership in my life and I didn’t even know it. She helped me work through some issues that I had as a mom such as anger and how to handle that with memorizing scripture and prayer instead of screaming at my kids. The most important thing was that she listened and prayed with me.
Now that my girls are grown and gone from home I have found that I am drawn to the moms in our church who are at that place in life where I was when Ruth mentored me. It is my heart’s desire to be used in the way that Titus 2:4 calls us to by training the younger women to love their husbands and children and live wisely and pure lives. I already meet with a few women just to share needs and pray. Who will join me in this? Who needs someone older to come along beside them and listen and pray with them? Call me! Email me!
Let’s put people together in pairs and be obedient to scripture and meet this need in our church. krc64@att.net or 864-384-3739.
Hearts in Prayer
What does prayer mean to you? I have so many stories of what prayer means to me. I can remember kneeling beside my bed with my daddy when I was little saying prayers before bedtime. I remember our morning devotions at the breakfast table and the prayers that we shared where we prayed for others who had needs. But as an adult one of my pastors, David Young, in Washington State taught me to stop and pray with someone at the moment they shared a request. It didn’t matter who was around or where it was. He would stop right there and pray with them. I used to be better at doing that.
I have a heart for prayer. I love to pray for people. I especially love to hear about answers to prayer. Do you? Do you love to join with others in prayer? Scripture tells us that where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst. Will you join me in my home once a month to just pray for women, our church and the needs of others? It will not be a time to gossip. It will be a time to pray. If you are a little late, you can just come on in and start praying too. Let me know if you are interested in joining Hearts in Prayer.