CenterShot Archery
Centershot Archery: February - March
Our 2022 Archery Season will be on Saturdays in February and March from 9:30 - 11:00. We’ll finish the season with a tournament on March 26th.
It will take place in the Southside Gym, around back. Participants receive NASP Certified Archery Instruction, Snack, Bible Study and a Custom T-shirt. Cost is $20/person, max $50/family.
Centershot welcomes all ages! If you can pull back a bow, you are invited to attend Centershot each year. If you're interested in participating please see the form provided. Please contact Cameron Wilson for more information @ Cameron@southsidechurch.com.
Co-Ed Volleyball Season
Our annual Interchurch Co-Ed Volleyball season runs from September through November.
Since it's inception, our volleyball league has grown to include multiple, area churches.
If you or your church is interested in providing a team, please contact us at contactus@southsidechurch.com